Personal Data Protection Act Awareness
Course Objective
​On completion of this course, learners will acquire the basic knowledge on Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). This will enable learners to better performing their role at the same time supporting the organisation's internal process in protecting personal data.
Course Overview
Key Terms of PDPA​ and the Key Obligations
Consent Obligation
Purpose Limitation Obligation
Notification Obligation
Access and Correction Obligation
Accuracy Obligation
Protection Obligation
Retention Limitation Obligation
Transfer Limitation Obligation
Data Breach Notification Obligation
Accountability Obligation
Data Portability Obligation
Who should attend this Course?
Persons Handling Personal Data
Yet to be Data Protection Officer
Course Duration
4 Hours
Pre-requisites Literacy and Numeracy
Mode of Training
Classroom Based Learning or
Virtually Conducted by Trainer
Trainer : Trainee Ratio
1 : 20
Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a Certificate endorsed by QuESH Consultants Pte Ltd.
Course Fees
Full Fees without subsidy
Course Reference No.
Course Validity Period