Mandatory Safety Audit Scheme on the Management of Hazardous Substances
QuESH is accredited to conduct safety audit under National Environmental Agency's Safety Audit (SA) Scheme on the Management of Hazardous Substances.
Organisation under such Safety Audit Scheme can either conduct their own safety audit studies in-house or engage accredited consultants like us to do so on their behalf. Companies that are going to be conducting safety audits for the first time are advised to engage an NEA accredited consultants.
As of 1st Mar 2001, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has extended its Safety & Health Management System (SHMS) scheme to cover oil and petrochemical industries and wafer fabrication plants. As NEA's Safety Audit elements are covered under MOM's SHMS scheme, there shall not be a need for industries covered under both schemes to carry out a separate safety audit for NEA subject to the following procedures:
Industries engage 3rd party auditors registered with both MOM and NEA or 2nd party auditors from their companies' corporate HQs with the approval of both MOM and NEA to carry out MOM-SHMS once every 2 years; and
The SHMS reports shall be submitted to MOM with a copy to NEA. NEA will accept MOM-SHMS as NEA-SA.
Business Management System Audits
Our consultants, who are all former Certification Body Auditors, are able to conduct second party in-depth audits on the client’s management systems in accordance to international recognised standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22301, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, etc. Our clients principally engage us to conduct internal audits on their existing management system as part of preparation for external audits by the official Certification Body.
Supplier/Contractor/Vendor Audits
Reputable organisations usually have stringent Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety selection and evaluation requirements for their suppliers, contractors and vendors. Our consultants are usually engaged by such organisations representing them to audit their suppliers, contractors or vendors in accordance to the organisation selection and evaluation requirements.
Corporate Audits
It is really a challenge for corporations which have satellite sites regionally or internationally to maintain the effectiveness of its established Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety Management System. Moreover, auditors sent from the Head Office may not be familiar with the local legislations of the satellite sites.
​Our consultants are well versed in the international recognised management systems and local legislations to assist your organisation to achieve your audit objectives.